Dir. Matthijs Van Heijningen Jr.
Many people refereed to this as a 'The Thing' Remake although its not, but again as to our understanding of what a remake is, it is... it takes place in practically the same place and large parts of the story are interchangeable, so it kind of is. Its a prequel to John Carpenter's 'The Thing' (1982) Which is a remake of the 1951 'The Thing From Another World'... but anyways lets talk about the 2011 'The Thing'. 'The Thing' fallows a group of Swedish and American scientist at a isolated Antarctica research site who have stumbled upon a shape shifting alien that loves to devour humans and likes to wear them. the great part about these movies is the paranoia that strikes the people put in the situation. The actors do a great job and while a lot of the hype for this movie was around the SFX which was supposed to be all practical FX with a little CG added in but it turned out to be a lot more CG then practical. A lot of people seem to have a problem with that If you can get past the CG FX, then this is a good movie.
4 hand spiders out of 5

Dir. Joe Corrish
A teenage gang, made tuff from the hard streets of south London must fight for there lives against some of the cooler aliens that i've seen for a while... their pitch black gorilla wolf looking things with glowing teeth. I kind of expected this movie to suck, i didn't see how anything i heard about it could be true, some cheesy low budget movie about a street gang fighting of aliens, i've seen thing similar to this before and it always turns out to be a shit movie. but this movie worked out great. super action lots of death and the fat friend from Shaun of the dead as a drug dealer.
4 Crazy Alien Gorilla Wolves out of 5.

Dir. Eduardo Sanchez
The jest of Altered is that 5 friend were abducted by aliens and then release except for one who was dead, fifteen years later there looking for payback. Altered as a low budget alien abduction movie with a twist, the alien is the one that's abducted. The four surviving guys have captured one of the aliens that abducted them fifteen years earlier... OK this is way out there.
This movie is pretty crazy still a good watch but it seems to be slow paced at times and hard to fallow. but give it a try.
3 abducted dudes out of 5.
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